The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
Celebrating our 67th Membership Year
DFGC State Meeting, April 19, 2017, Dagsboro, DE 19939
The Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs presented--Best Trees and Shrubs for Delaware, by Gregg Teppper -- At the Cripple Creek Country Club in Dagsboro, DE 19939 – Sponsored by: Gardeners by the Sea G.C.
Gregg Tepper, Director of Horticulture, Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek, spoke about the great trees and shrubs that are native to our state as well as other east coast natives that thrive in Delaware. From the stately and drought tolerant chestnut oak to the maple-leaf Viburnum that thrives in shade, Gregg explained the unique assets and culture of these natives so we could learn how to grow them in your own part of Delaware! His presentation was very informative, as well as, entertaining.
At the same meeting the newly elected DFGC officers were installed, life memberships were granted and there was a rose/carnation ceremony involving local club presidents.
The DFGC officers for 2017-2019 are: President--Lisa Arni, First Vice-President--Connie Raymond, Second Vice-President--Barbara DeRue, Recording Secretary--Karen Batt, Corresponding Secretary--Elva Davidson, Treasurer--Ginny Cardona, Parliamentarian & Bylaws--Dottie Howatt and Advisor--Martha "Marty" Rushlow
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