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                  "Enriching our lives by sharing our love for

               the art of gardening with our community"                                                                                                                                                  









​Thank You!  We wish to thank everyone who helped make our

Greens Sale and Pecan Sale a huge success.

(There still are some pecans available, contact any club member.)

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Welcome to the 67th Year

​APRIL 2025

Board Meeting: Friday, April 4, 10:15 a.m. Home of Mary Noel, Bridgeville.
General Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, Grace Seaford Church, 805 Atlanta Road, Seaford.

Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m.

Social Time 1:00 p.m.

Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
Program: “Gleaning: Ending Food Waste and Food Insecurity” by Jean Siers


Scholarships Awarded:   Two scholarships were awarded to two deserving Del. Tech. students.

     Danielle Kidd, director of the agriculture department at Delaware Tech. presented the winners of our two scholarships, each for $1,000.

      Jacob Muir received one of the scholarships.  He is majoring in Agri-Business Management.

      Arthur Jones received the other scholarship.  He is majoring in Turf & Ornamental Horticulture.


Garden of the Month

A first for the S&T G.C.

The club has instituted a new program where any garden can be nominated


and receive recognition as an outstanding garden upon


voting by the current club members.

The recipient does not have to be a member of the S&T G.C.

but must maintain their own garden.

September Recipient:  Marlene Mathews, Seaford, DE



Club members presented a certificate to the family of

Zeeger deWilde in memory of his recent passing.  Zeeger

was an honorary member of the club.

(Pictured:  Margaret Alexander, Mary Mahan, Family Member, Carol Johnson,

Carol Kinsley (club president) and Mary Noel (past president)

                              ADDITIONAL  INFORMATION
**National Garden Club's Newsletter:  Click Here: January/February
**CAR Review:  Summer 2023
**DFGC September/March Newsletter  




                                          Club Objectives



The objectives of "The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc." are to bring together members of the community who have a genuine interest in gardening and related activities and to afford members an opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences in growing plants and flowers, decorating with plants and flowers and to promote civic beautification.


The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc., located in Seaford, DE, was organized in 1955 and became a member club in 1958.  This year's theme is "Plant America" - Plant America, Local Food to Share, Add Flowers for Happiness, New Members for Growth and Trees for the Environment.  The club is part of the Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs, Central Atlantic Region and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.



                                         Meetings and Location

General Meeting - Place & Time
Starting in October, 2024: Grace Seaford Church, 805 Atlanta Road,
Seaford, DE, (302) 629-8434
(Unless otherwise noted on monthly schedule)
Second Tuesday of each month (September - June) 12:30-1 p.m.  Horticulture/Flower Show set up 1:00 p.m. - Social • 1:30 p.m. - Program & Meeting


Board Meetings
The Board of Directors meets the first Friday of each month at 10:15 a.m., September through June, unless otherwise indicated. All officers and chairmen are encouraged to attend. Any member may attend board meetings. New ideas or suggestions for the club require board approval. Starting in September, meetings will be held in member’s homes.





Interested in joining us?  View the Membership Application form and/or contact Carol Johnson, 301-639-2942, (H) 302-875-4034 and/or Mary Noel, 570-239-7948, (H) 302-337-1054 and/or the webmaster, Jim Zeigler,


       **The Seaford Spade and Trowel Garden Club is an active member of the Seaford Chamber of Commerce.                                                         and is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization.


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